How Much Does Teeth Whitening Cost at the Dentist?
Few people can maintain their original teeth whiteness without some form of treatment or intervention. Most individuals experience tooth discoloration over the years. The accumulation of some stains and yellowing is generally inevitable. Many safe…
How to Fix Worn-Down Teeth
Tooth wear tends to become more prevalent with age. Worn-down teeth can lead to various cosmetic and oral health problems such as yellowed teeth, tooth sensitivity, gaps between teeth, and jaw aches. However, many treatment…
Is Charcoal Toothpaste Safe for Your Teeth?
Charcoal Toothpaste - An Oxymoron? Charcoal dentifrices, including toothpastes, gels, liquids and toothpowders, have become a rapidly emerging fad promising whiter teeth by using a more natural ingredient - activated charcoal. It’s ironic that people…
Best Professional Teeth Whiteners: Laser Teeth Whitening vs. Bleaching
If you want beautiful pearly white teeth and you're ready to move beyond the minimal amount of whitening provided by whitening toothpastes and over-the-counter strips, it's time to step it up to professional teeth whiteners.…