Black Tartar on Teeth: Symptoms and Treatment Options
It can be alarming to spot dark or black stains on your teeth. If you can rule out medication side effects or an underlying dental condition as causes, you can likely attribute the discoloration to…
11.11.22 :
General DentistryDoes Mouthwash Help With Periodontal Disease?
If you suffer from periodontal disease or gum disease, you are not alone. About 50% of adults in the United States have gingivitis, and approximately 80% have suffered from periodontal disease at some point in…
Why Does My Breath Smell Bad Even After Brushing?
Coping with halitosis, otherwise known as bad breath, can be distressing and embarrassing. However, despite your best efforts at maintaining dental hygiene, your breath might still be less than ideal. Even more frustrating is when…
10.22.22 :
General DentistryWhat Are Implant Overdentures, and are They Right for Me?
Losing some or all of your natural teeth can hurt your appearance and confidence. To restore your smile and the look of natural teeth, an implant overdenture is something you might consider. So how do…
What Causes Crowded Teeth and How to Fix Them
Having an attractive smile requires more than just the right shade of white. It also depends on how well the teeth are aligned. In contrast, having teeth that appear crowded can do more than diminish…
07.22.22 :
Cosmetic DentistryHow to Fix Black Triangles in Teeth
Many people strongly desire that movie-star white smile but feel insecure about one or more imperfections. Black triangles between teeth make up just one of those cosmetic flaws. They appear due to a shadow created…
07.06.22 :
Cosmetic DentistryHow Long Can You Keep Your Teeth with Periodontal Disease?
More than half of adults in the United States have some form of gum disease, also called periodontal disease. Some individuals have inflamed gums, while others suffer from damage to tissues and tooth-supporting bone. If…
How Much Does Teeth Whitening Cost at the Dentist?
Few people can maintain their original teeth whiteness without some form of treatment or intervention. Most individuals experience tooth discoloration over the years. The accumulation of some stains and yellowing is generally inevitable. Many safe…
How Long Do Dental Fillings Last?
While the quick and easy answer to this commonly asked question is 10 years, it turns out the answer may be a bit more complicated. Keep reading to learn more about how long fillings last.…